American Pale Wheat Ale
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Three Floyds Brewing Co. ABV: 5.5%
We feel like we're doing you a disservice by recommending Gumballhead, a beer that rarely escapes from the Midwest, much less Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio. But dagnabit, this straw-red wheat ale is just too good not to mention. The fragrant hops (pineapple, citrus) calibrate the lightly sweet malt with scientific precision, creating a refresher we could glug by the gallon. This Gum never loses its flavor.
Easy Street Wheat Beer
Odell Brewing Co. ABV: 4.6%
Crafted in Fort Collins, Colorado, this wheat ale’s name references the brewers taking the easy road and leaving the beer unfiltered. You’ll find the laziness is to your benefit as you sip this smooth, moderately sweet treat with a light and appealing lemony profile. At such a skimpy ABV, you can drink Easy Street till the cows come home.$5 Off Next Purchase by using code DRIZLYDEAL